culture pals



- 0. Information

  0.1 Additional Flags

- 1. scripts

  1.1 traditional script

  1.2 interbopper

  1.3 View Thanker script

- 2. pastas

  2.1 poorfag pasta

  2.2 richfag pasta (incl. answers)

  2.3 ken / weeaboo pasta

  2.4 powerpoint dream pasta

  2.5 videogame pasta

  2.6 most beautiful pasta

  2.7 Ugly Pasta

  2.8 MV Sewol

  2.9.1 Beerpong girlfriend, argie edition

  2.9.2 Beerpong girlfriend, french edition

  2.9.3 Beerpong girlfriend, pilot edition

  2.10 WTF did you say?

  2.11 Koreaboo banter

  2.12 message to slavs

  2.12 Indian shit that WORKS

- 3. misc

  3.1 turkey whiteknight


0. I N F O R M A T I O N

0.1 Additional Flags


Due to reason of more transparency and less confusion while posting on /int/, we recommend to use additional Flags which show in which province of the country the user lives.


1. S C R I P T S

1.1 Traditional Script


Regional Script (And script setup):

Country Specific:

Multi Country (testing):

casanova filter:

this is the same link as the one above??

>The script automatically views other people in your name. You can see who last visited your profile, other people will see wether or not you visited their profile (which you did because of the script). Then they will view your profile, which gives you views, and if they like you they send you a message, post on your wall or comment a photo.

>If you don't use the script, you hand pick the qts you'd like to talk to, view their profile and send them a message if you like them. Some of those qts which you did not decide to message will actually message you because they genuinly like you. Imo you have a better succes rate this way, because you pick out people you like yourself. Chances are that a likelyhood of a mutual connection are better this way then letting a computer do stuff automatically for you.


>Use the script first only for specific countries. Otherwise you will be flooded with messages from asians.

>The script is very good for beginners. It allows you to get in touch with qts who are interested in you (but they will still suck in keeping a conversation alive). Empirical studies from different people have shown, that the best qts are handpicked and messaged by oneself. If you think you found a qt, don't write whole paragraphs. Maximum 4 lines should be enough for the first message.


1.2 interbopper


Message is optional. If you leave the message blank, it will only view the profiles. You may include the following placeholders in your message:







Blacklist should be comma separated usernames. Continents should be comma separated continent codes (e.g. AS). Countries should be comma separated country codes (e.g. AU, JP).


1.3 View Thanker Script


The Script will idle and regularly check your 'Last 100 views' page. If it finds a new user in that list it will go to their profile page and check whether you have permission to post on their wall. If you do it will post a customized thank you message and if not it will leave without action. In both cases the script will now memorize the profile and not return to it again for subsequent views. The script will create a file for thanked users for each account it runs on.


Warning: Interpals has set quotes on how many users can you contact by either message or wall post. For new profiles this limit is 20 PM's/Wall Posts users per 24hours. Two day accounts have this limit bumped to 50 per 24hours. It is good to check the console of your script and double check if they messages have been left. If the script said the message has been posted and there is none this implies you have reached your daily quota of messages or sometimes Interpals asks to fill out a captcha to post on the Wall. In either case it is a good idea to shut down the script since it will not be able to thank for views but will still add users to its list as if it had.

To launch the script:

Check with the other script instructions on how to set-up python and run a python script. This script has the exact same pre-requisites as the other scripts.

Before you run the script open it in a text editor and:

- Look up the variables for login and password and change them to your account details, so that you won't have to type them in each time.

- Edit the message that will be posted on the wall. The message can be found in the 'template' variable within the script. Instructions how to change this variable are contained within the script itself as comments. When you launch the script it will first print a preview of the message it will leave. If you are happy with it press Enter to proceed and if not you should kill the script and edit the message again. If the script closes immediately you probably messed up the message and broke python syntax. I suggest you redo it.

-I suggest you use at least one instance of the {name_s} tag. This will make each message unique and should allow you to fly under the Interpals spam radars as long as possible.


2. P A S T A S

2.1 poorfag pasta



Hey, I've noticed you're very shy and your country is a very socially awkward country. I am a single man with many testosterones and no one to share my social skills with. I have a large cardboard box with a list of shy girls I saved from their condition, but no one to cuddle on my pizza box and burn garbage with because they all leave once they discover how easy it is to talk to a man if you have a half-decent face. If you're interested, I wish to leave my current life and start a new one with you, in an isolated place where you would never find another man to cheat on me with. What do you say?


Witaj, zauważyłem że jesteś bardzo urocza i że Twój kraj jest dość biedny. Jestem samotnym mężczyzną z wygodnym życiem, ale nie mam z kim tego dzielić. Mam wielki telewizor, ale nikogo z kim mógłbym poprzytulać się na wielkiej kanapie oglądając go. Jeśli jesteś chętna, żeby opuścić obecne życie i zacząć nowe ze mną, wszystkie te rzeczy mogą być także Twoje. Co powiesz?


Hi, mir ist aufgefallen, dass du echt süß bist und dein Heimatland sehr reich ist. Ich bin ein alleinstehender Mann mit vielen Schwierigkeiten und niemandem, mit dem ich mein Leben teilen kann. Ich habe eine große Pappschachtel aber niemanden mit dem ich auf meiner Pizzaschachtel kuscheln und Müll verbrennen kann.

Wenn du Interesse hast, würde ich gerne mein jetziges Leben aufgeben und mit dir ein neues beginnen. Alle Dinge die dir gehören können auch meine sein. Was sagst du dazu?


Bonjour, j'ai remarqué que tu es très mignonne et que tu viens d'un pays très pauvre. Je suis un homme célibataire profitant d'une vie aisée mais sans personne avec qui la partager. J'ai une grande télévision mais personne avec qui faire des câlins sur mon grand canapé pendant qu'on la regarde. Si tu es intéressée à quitter la vie que tu mène présentement pour en commencer une nouvelle avec moi, toutes ces choses qui m'appartiennent peuvent t'appartenir aussi. Qu'est-ce que tu en dit?


Hola, me di cuenta que eres muy guapa y que tu país es un país muy pobre. Soy un hombre soltero con una vida muy cómoda pero nadie con quien compartirla. Tengo una televisión gigante pero nadie con quien abrazarme en el sofá mientras la usamos.

Si estás interesada en dejar tu vida actual y empezar una nueva conmigo, todas las cosas que tengo también pueden ser tuyas.

¿Qué dices?


2.2 richfag pasta



Hi, I've noticed you're very cute and your country is a very poor country. I am a single man with a comfortable life but no one to share it with. I have a large television but no one to cuddle on my large couch and watch it with. If you're interested in leaving your current life and starting a new one with me, all these things I have can be yours too. What do you say?


Γεια, παρατήρησα ότι είσαι πολύ γλυkιά kαι ότι η χώρα σου είναι αρkετά φτωχη. Είμαι ελεύθερος kαι οιkονομιkά ευkατάστατος μα δεν έχω kανέναν να μοιραστώ τη ζωή μου μαζί του. Έχω μεγάλη τηλεόραση, μα kανέναν να αγkαλιάσω στο μεγάλο μου kαναπέ kαι να τη δω μαζί του. Αν ενδιαφέρεσαι στο να αφήσεις την τωρινή σου ζωή kαι να kάνεις μια kαινούργια αρχή με μένα, όλα αυτά τα πράγματα μπορούν να γίνουν διkά σου. Τι λες


Пpивeт. Я зaмeтил, чтo ты oчeнь милaя и ты живeшь в oчeнь бeднoй cтpaнe. Я oдинoкий мyжчинa, живy oбecпeчeннoй жизнью, нo мнe нe c кeм eй пoдeлитьcя. У мeня ecть бoльшoй тeлeвизop, нo мнe нe c кeм cмoтpeть eгo, oбнявшиcь лeжa нa мoём бoльшoм дивaнe.

Ecли тeбe хoчeтcя пoкинyть твoю cтpaнy и нaчaть нoвyю жизнь co мнoй – вcё тo, чтo я имeю, cтaнeт твoим.

Чтo cкaжeшь?


Hola, me di cuenta que eres muy guapa y que tu país es un país muy pobre. Soy un hombre soltero con una vida muy cómoda pero nadie con quien compartirla. Tengo una televisión gigante pero nadie con quien abrazarme en el sofá mientras la usamos.

Si estás interesada en dejar tu vida actual y empezar una nueva conmigo, todas las cosas que tengo también pueden ser tuyas.

¿Qué dices?


Bonjour, j'ai remarqué que tu es très mignonne et que tu viens d'un pays très pauvre. Je suis un homme célibataire profitant d'une vie aisée mais sans personne avec qui la partager. J'ai une grande télévision mais personne avec qui faire des câlins sur mon grand canapé pendant qu'on la regarde. Si tu es intéressée à quitter la vie que tu mène présentement pour en commencer une nouvelle avec moi, toutes ces choses qui m'appartiennent peuvent t'appartenir aussi. Qu'est-ce que tu en dit?

>>>>buttmad response to first pasta

I assure you my dear girl that the NSA is not listening. You can freely admit that the USA is collapsing all around you. Once you arrive in Europe, you will realise that you have been, in fact, poor all your life relative to the state of near-godhood we enjoy here on the old continent.

Please do consider my offer as it is once in a lifetime and I hate to see such a beautiful angel as you waste away in that dreadful place known as the USA.

Best, Simon


It was not my intention to sound anti-USA, I'm sure you, having never experienced better, will consider the USA the pinnacle of human achievement.

Trust me, when you reach the shores of Europe on the little dinghy boat I shall arrange for your travel across the Atlantic, you will immediately notice the difference. The air feels richer, the birdsong is clearer and more melodious, and the people are tall and healthy and prosperous. Even a PoC (person of colour) like yourself will rise above the stunted masses of the USA with our special European food and culture: you will be both physically and mentally aggrandized.

I promise you: this is a once-in-a-lifetime offer. Take a look at the rampant criminality of California, the beggars, the injustice, the gangs, the beaners. Now think of my offer. Doesn't it just sound less stressful?

Best Wishes, Simon.

>>>>another response

By all means!

I can start the procedure straight away if you want? Just need to make sure of a few things first, so could you answer this questionnaire for me? Thanks (these questions are for immigration purposes only)

- Do you smoke?

- Have you checked your privilege recently?

- Do you agree that white people are the best race in the world?

- If not, why? (150 characters)

- What's your heritage?

- Send a picture of your eye and state your nipple-colour to verify your whiteness

- Are you a feminist?

- If yes, explain why without strawmanning the patriarchy

Here in Europe we're very touchy about racial purity and conservative values, as it ensures homogenous societies and prosperity. I know this might seem like a radical idea to you, but it's really the only way we can keep our nations from becoming like the USA.

Best Wishes to my future wife! Simon

>>>just tailor it a bit to the responses they give


2.3 ken / weeaboo pasta


I noticed in your profile you claim to be 'obsessed with Japan' and that you want to go there yourself some day.

Please let me advice you, that this is a bad idea. Being obsessed with Japan is very unhealthy. I had a friend like you once. His name was Ken. He was a nice guy, but completely obsessed with Japanese culture. He would spend all day drawing manga on his tablet and practising with his freshly folded katana. He even walked around town, dressed in Kimonos, which earned him quite the reputation among the townspeople, who laughed at him whenever he turned his back. He dreamt of going to Japan and becoming a videgame designer for Studio Gibli, his favourite Japanese company. You are probably thinking "I do these things. I dress in Kimonos and wish to live in Japan. Maybe one day I will meet Ken and we will walk through the streets of Tokyo together, but not as a couple as we will both have beautiful Japanese partners"

Guess what? You can't do that.

Because Ken died. He was killed in the 2011 Japanese Tsunami. He was walking to his office, and was too busy drawing naked images of his favourite manga characters to notice the wave behind him. His obsession with Japan killed him. A life wiped out. I do not think the same thing must happen to you. Please, reconsider your obsession. Become obsessed with the Netherlands if you must have a country you love so much. We at least do not have disasters. Maybe if you do become obsessed with us, I can be your husband.


2.4 dream powerpoint pasta


I must confess something to you: You have been on my mind a lot lately. The nicest thing happened last night. I was looking at your profile and must have gone to sleep with your image on my mind because later on, after I fell asleep, I ended up having a dream about you! It was one of those special, wondrous dreams that you hope would never end. In the morning I was still very much under the spell of this wonderful dream. And this delightful sensation has lasted all day long today, up until now. I thought you should know since you were the main character in the dream.

About the dream I had about you, it was a sensitive, beautiful, and intimate dream in which we related to each other as though we had known each other for ages. As a poet and writer, I enjoy writing my dreams in detail (the ones I can remember), and I could do that here just for you, that is, if you have the time now, are in the mood to feel something unique and beautiful, and promise me you won't blush too much. Are you ready for this delightful experience?

I don't dream often, but when I do, they tend to be profound and sweet, like the dream I had about you. If you promise me you won't blush too much, I can tell you about the dream. You should not be afraid to ask because everything that happened in the dream was very natural, sweet, and beautiful. The most surprising thing is that in the dream it was as though we already knew each other from a long time ago. Perhaps in a prior life? :-)

I have written the entire dream as a PowerPoint presentation, with a nice musical background. Can I send it to your e-mail address?


2.5 Videogame pasta


Do you still play videogames at your age? Don't you think it's time to grow up and start your adult life? You're wasting your precious time on something made for children. Time to come to the real world because it's not waiting for you. If you don't stop now, you'll regret this decision. I can already see you at the age of 30, still in your basement, living off your parent's earnings and being a burden for the society, waking up daily around 2pm with red eyes, playing your stupid video games instead of doing something useful which challenges your mind. And one day, you'll wake up like any other day, except this time you'll feel different. Something is missing. You're not sure what it is, but you feel a void inside you. You're too stupid to realise what it is, so I'll tell you because I feel like being kind to a lost soul like yourself today. The void is the sudden realisation of your lack of cultures. A lack that has been growing over the years since you're 13. You don't understand the real world that surrounds you because of your ignorance due to too much video games during all those years. You're 18, it is maybe not too late even - though everything written on your profile shows that you're already doomed to fail in life. But I believe in you, throw your video games away, start reading books that don't involve fairytales such werewolves, vampires and spastic women if you catch my drift. Find mind-challenging interests to make your brain work a little and not stay as numb as it is now. Listen to patrican music that is out of your comfort zone, and watch movies that don't feature robots or dragons. Together we can do it, I'll help you become a respectful adult and caring and loving mother


2.6 most beautiful pasta


I have been staring at your profile picture speechless and in awe for the past hour or so. That deep gaze in your eyes, your perfect smile, all of your features just seem to all come together so well, almost an...gelical in a sense I suppose.

The reason I am writing this is to let you know that I think I have found the most beautiful woman to grace us with her presence on our planet, and I am of course talking about you.

I know this might mean absolutely nothing to you, and you probably get many of these types of messages/posts on Bodyspace and in real life BUT please understand that I am being as genuine as ever when I say that you are the ultimate dictionary definition of perfection, and I hope that one day God can bestow me with a woman as beautiful as you, I would be forever grateful.

I hope that this message finds you well, I do not care if I get a response to this, I am just simply stating the obvious and had to let you know how I really felt..


2.7 Ugly pasta


Too bad it's too long for photo comments

Your eyes are too far apart. Nose is definitely crooked. The shape of your face is not aesthetically pleasing at all. You look like a 3/10 with make up in this photo. I don't even want to imagine what you look like without make up. I actually just threw up in my mouth, just thinking about it. Your head is too big (although that may be, because of your giraffe neck posture) . As for your hair, lol. Seriously, do something. You look like a horse. Stare at your face for more than 5 seconds, and you will see how ugly you are. The eyes which are too far apart is what ruins /damages an already ugly face even further. Unfortunately for you, that can't be surgically fixed, lol. You arms are way too long. lol at how they hang by your sides. Kind of reminds me of lurch. Don't even let me start on your pale complexion. It only works if you look hot. Unfortunately, you do not look hot. Its hard to sum up a creature like you in one word. 'UGLY ' would be unfair , since it doesn't reflect how repulsive you look. GROTESQUE is stretching it. But somewhere in between, is where you would be, on the scale of an average man. I'm sorry if my words seem a little harsh. Just so you know, I sugar coated this post as much as possible.

Have a nice day.


2.8 MV Sewol


I noticed in your profile you claim to be 'obsessed with Korea' and that you want to go there yourself some day.

Please let me advice you, that this is a bad idea. Being obsessed with Korea is very unhealthy. I had a friend like you once. His name was Pablo. He was a nice guy, but completely obsessed with Korean culture. He would spend all day drawing manwha on his tablet and eating kimchi made by himselfan. He even walked around town, dressed in Hanboks, which earned him quite the reputation among the townspeople, who laughed at him whenever he turned his back. He dreamt of going to Korea and becoming a coreographer for Hyuna, his favourite korean singer. You are probably thinking "I do these things. I dress in hanboks and wish to live in korea. Maybe one day I will meet Pablo and we will walk through the streets of Seoul together, but not as a couple as we will both have beautiful Korean partners"

Guess what? You can't do that.

Because Pablo died. He was killed in the 2014 Sinking of the MV Sewol . He was in this boat, and was too busy drawing naked images of his favourite k-pop singers to notice the ship capsizing behind him. His obsession with Korea killed him. A life wiped out. I do not think the same thing must happen to you. Please, reconsider your obsession. Become obsessed with Argentina if you must have a country you love so much. We at least do not have disasters. Maybe if you do become obsessed with us, I can be your husband.


2.9.1 Beerpong girlfriend, argie edition


I was a qthunting with my friend from Argentina I met on Interpals who I had been with for over a year now (we were living in the same internet) and he was playing hard to get with this guy. I was pretty and just sitting down, he made a bet that if he lost against him he would have to play the next round with a fake profile.

Next thing he loses (because he is bad) and ends up literally taking his pics out for everyone to see. Then the guy, presumably to try his luck, bet him that if he lost against he would have to suck his dick. My aryan übermensch turns to me and says "Argentina is white! What do you say?"

I thought he was joking, so I just casually replied "hi bby are you an orphanage?"

Then he loses again, and this asshole says something like "greetings from morocco." and my friend responds with some bullshit like "Hilo latino." Within the space of fifteen seconds he's literally on his knees, huehueing, sucking this guys dick. There was nothing I could do about it.

Because of that I just turned away and pretended to be scripting / trying to score qt slavs. Then after a couple of minutes I hear him saying "tf no gf" and my friend sends me a dickpic, opens his inbox full of messages from thai 'chicks', then closes it again and proceeds to masturbate.

Fuck Interpals. Fuck women. Fuck life. I'm out.


2.9.2 Beerpong girlfriend, french edition


I was a party with my girlfriend from France I met on Interpals who I had been with for over a year now (we were living in the same city) and she was playing beer pong with this guy. I was pretty drunk and just sitting down, he made a bet that if she lost against him she would have to play the next round topless.

Next thing she loses (because she is bad) and ends up literally taking her tits out for everyone to see. Then the guy, presumably to try his luck, bet her that if she lost against she would have to suck his dick. My girlfriend turns to me and says "I know I can win this time! What do you say?"

I thought she was joking, so I just casually replied "Yeah, whatever"

Then she loses again, and this asshole says something like "Hey, a bet's a bet." and my girlfriend responds with some bullshit like "Well I am a woman of my word." Within the space of fifteen seconds she's literally on her knees, topless, sucking this guys dick. There was nothing I could do about it.

Because of that I just turned away and pretended to see nothing / try to not look like some beta fagot. Then after a couple of minutes I hear him saying "Go, show him. Let him see" and my girlfriend taps me on the shoulder, opens her mouth full of his cum, then closes it again and swallows in front of me.

Fuck Interpals. Fuck women. Fuck life. I'm out.


2.9.3 Beerpong girlfriend, pilot edition


I was in the cockpit with my co pilot from Germany I met on InterPals who I had been with for over a year now (we were working at the same airport) and he was playing farm simulator 2002 with this stewardess. I was pretty bored and just sitting down, she made a bet that if he lost against her he would have to fly the rest of the journey alone

Next thing he loses (because he isn't ordnung) and ends up literally taking the steering wheel for everyone to see. Then the stewardess, presumably to try her luck, bet him that if he lost against he would have to fly quickly downwards. My co pilot turns to me and says "I know I can win this time! What do you say?"

I thought he was joking, so I just casually replied "Yeah, whatever"

Then he loses again, and this bitch says something like "Hey, a bet's a bet." and my co pilot responds with some bullshit like "Well I am a pilot of my word." Within the space of fifteen seconds he's literally shooting downwards, panting, crashing this plane. There was nothing I could do about it.

Because of that I left the cabin and pretended to see nothing / try to not look like some beta faggot. Then after a couple of minutes I hear her saying "OH FUCK A MOUNTAIN" and I bang on the door, scream his name while he says nothing, then screaming in terror as I await death.

Fuck InterPals. Fuck flying. Fuck life. I'm out.


2.10 WTF did you say? Interpals Edition


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you littleturk? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Q.T, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Interpals and I have over 300 confirmed nudes. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top messager in the entire Arg posters. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the 4Chinand your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the /int/ Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


2.11 Koreaboo banter


I noticed in your profile you claim to be 'obsessed with Korea' and that you want to go there yourself some day. Please let me advice you, that this is a bad idea. Being obsessed with Korea is very unhealthy. I had a friend like you once. His name was Ken. He was a nice guy, but completely obsessed with Korean culture. He would spend all day watching K-pop on his tablet and practising with his freshly folded geom. He even walked around town, dressed in hanboks, which earned him quite the reputation among the townspeople, who laughed at him whenever he turned his back. He dreamt of going to Korea and becoming a kimchi chef for Samsung, his favourite Korean company. You are probably thinking "I do these things. I dress in hanboks and wish to live in Korea. Maybe one day I will meet Ken and we will walk through the streets of Seoul together, but not as a couple as we will both have beautiful Korean partners"

Guess what? You can't do that.

Because Ken died. He was killed in the 2012 Typhoon Bolaven. He was walking to his office, and was too busy watching videos of his favourite K-pop artists to notice the debris behind him. His obsession with Korea killed him. A life wiped out. I do not think the same thing must happen to you. Please, reconsider your obsession. Become obsessed with Finland if you must have a country you love so much. We at least do not have disasters. Maybe if you do become obsessed with us, I can be your husband.


2.12 message to slavs


I have been staring at your profile picture speechless and in awe for the past hour or so. That deep gaze in your brown eyes, your perfect angled smile, all of your Slavic features just seem to all come together so well, almost like a Russian angel in a sense I suppose.

The reason I am writing this is to let you know that I think I have found the most Eastern European looking woman to grace us with her presence on our planet, and I am of course talking about you.

I know this might mean absolutely nothing to you, and you probably get many of these types of messages/posts on VKontakte and in real life BUT please understand that I am being as genuine as ever when I say that you are the ultimate dictionary definition of a Slavic girl, and I hope that one day God can bestow me with a woman as beautiful as you, I would be forever grateful.

I hope that this message finds you well, I do not care if I get a response to this, I am just simply stating the obvious and had to let you know how I really felt..


2.13 Indian shit that WORKS


stop right there. This is the Police... You have the right to remain SEXY

Haha how U doing today?


3. M I S C

3.1 turkey whiteknight


I really start to doubt why I come to these threads when you start posting 'nudes' of women you have spoken to on interpals. The women on interpals are some of the sweetest, most intelligent, funny, and nice in the entire world. They are trusting and loyal often coming from poor countries where loyalty and trust is all they have, the only currency in their wallet.

Maybe its because I come from a country where I actually have to talk to women and get to know them because showing my white skin or anglosphere passport isn't enough to get their attention. Maybe its because I don't manipulate them with the opposable thumbs of english teaching and first world income. Maybe its because I am just a fucking good person raised to be as polite to women as possible. Whatever it is, it makes me sick to share threads where you post womens images freely.

What you are doing is just as bad as sharing bomb making instructions or posting images of naked children onto the deep web. You are taking something you have no permission to show to other people and showing it to them anyway. It is an appalling and utterly sick behaviour. If the following words were banned from these threads it would improve hugely

>Nudes (obvious, this prevents requesting them)

>qt, qt's and variations (objectifies and simplifies women on the website)

>russian/chinese (used JUST to discuss nationalities that can be manipulated most easily)

>turkish (used JUST to mock and insult men like me for having to fight to get the attention of the beauties on here)

>milf (porn term, it is not INTERPORNS)

>chubby (porn term, it is not INTERPORNS)

>script (encourages manipulating women as a game rather than talking to them as a pass time)

You need to start showing these women the privacy they deserve.


edited into html by the leaf based on

more content will be available soon